War reporters today face a significant number of challenges in the field, including dangers to personal security and meeting their basic physical needs as well as operating within an extremely complex information environment. To address some of these issues Aristotle University Thessaloniki (AUTh), through its Peace Journalism Lab (PJL), has been offering a training project on field safety in war zones for journalists.
DCN SE Hub, the Digital Communication Network and the World Learning are organizing the Webinar “Managing stress, burnout and self-care in times of covid” which will take place in the 5th of May 2020 in 17:00 (Athens Time), focusing on the psychological impact of the quarantine in times of the pandemic and the changes in everyday life.
DCN SE Hub, the Digital Communication Network and World Learning are organizing, via zoom, the webinar “Storytelling in a time Of Crisis” which will take place the 6th of May 2020 at 17:00 (Athens Time), with Associate Professor of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Niko Panagiotou, as a coordinator.
Program – Programm
Wednesday 6th of MAY 2020 | 16:30 | Mittwoch 6. mai 2020
Journalism during the pandemic – Experiences from Greece and abroad
The International Peace Journalism Laboratory of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the DCN SE Hub, during this pandemic of COVID-19, have not stopped organizing webinars concerning the novel corona virus and promote innovative initiatives and actions with a goal to empower the work of valid and trustworthy journalism.
Peace Journalism Lab Department of Journalism and Mass Media of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and member of the UN Academic Impact, in collaboration with Ierax Analytix conducted, two-phase research (middle of March and middle of April respectively) on how people are informed during the pandemic of Covid-19, what are the factors that influence public communication, disinformation and trust in Media.
Peace Journalism Laboratory was part of the Digital Storytelling for Impact Forum, organised by Digital Communication Network in Sofia, Bulgaria. Digital Storytelling for Impact brought together representatives of civic organizations, politics, government and private sector, entrepreneurs, as well as new media, content creators, designers, and developers for a forum exploring how media adjusts content and its delivery in the new and complex information map.
The DCN Southeast Europe Hub was officially launched in Thessaloniki, Greece!
The Hub is in partnership with Digital Communication Network, International Peace Journalism Laboratory, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Facebook, World Learning.
The Hub unites media, academic, and civil society initiatives and organizations from the Balkans and Mediterranian.
Learn more about the initiative on the official website.
DCN SOUTHEAST EUROPE HUB is a consortium of Aristotle University, Digital Communication Network, non-profits, public and private organisations and companies, working, or interested to be involved, in the field of digital communication, social impact campaigns, technology, and innovation. It is a unique initiative, a multi-field coalition, forming a continent-spanning network that will attract a wide range of actors, enabling to tap into the best talent, ideas and resources. The hub is a living entity which connects people and organisations, in a dynamic partnership, ready to adapt to the changing realities in the information space and the emerging needs and challenges of the region.
An interactive look at voters’ top concerns and how they have evolved since the last European election.
Peace Journalism Laboratory participated at Personal Democracy Forum CEE 2019. Our member, Ilias Nikezis, led the workshop “Invisible Cities. Breaking Social Exclusion & Building Trust”.
Musti Selcuk, member of Peace Journalism Laboratory and PhD candidate at Department of Journalism and Mass Media Communication of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is among the speakers at the International Seminar titled “Post terror attack in New Zealand: Responses and Media Coverage on Muslim”, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.