Webinar Announcement: Data-Driven Democracy

Webinar Announcement: Data-Driven Democracy

DCN SE Hub and Digital Communication Network are organizing, via Zoom, the webinar «Data-Driven Democracy: How ads, media and microtargeting are changing elections”, which will take place in the 26th of May at 17:00 (Athens Time).

Stefan Turkheimer has spent much time thinking about the relationship between data and democracy, most recently as Deputy Political Director in the Elizabeth Warren campaign. His work varies from topics as diverse as microtargeting, political advertising to the relationship between politicians and the media.

In this interview, Lukasz will sit down with Stefan to talk about the realities and ethics of online advertising, what Cambridge Analytica really did during the 2016 election, and what role money plays in political campaigns. As usual, listeners will be able to pose questions during this webinar.


Stefan Turkheimer │ Deputy Political Director in the Elisabeth Warren Campaign│ USA

Moderator-Interviewer: Lukasz Krol

To register click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkduivrjItGdRPPAmAwys-nOY_AI9ixd_J?fbclid=IwAR1pF-BP706M1MMOECOX77fV4x66ceYsts-T95bXv_I-08bD5zvz0lRFw7A


Webinar: «Covid 19 and Malign Influence Efforts»

DCN SE Hub and Digital Communication Network are also organizing, via Zoom, the webinar «Covid 19 and Malign Influence Efforts», which will take place in the 28th of May at 18:00 (Athens Time).

This webinar will present and discuss malign influences, materialized in fake news, conspiracy theories and falsehoods related to COVID-19.


Bob Pearson

Seth Jones│ Harold Brown Chair Director, Transnational Threats Project and Senior Adviser, International Security Program│ USA

Franak Viacorka

Moderator: Ass. Professor Nikos Panagiotou │Aristotle University, Journalism/Mass Communication│Thessaloniki